Becoming a Guitarist and Singer

Putting your vocal cords to good use is a great way to strengthen your general musicality and also boost your guitar skills in new ways. But how can you balance both playing and singing?

Singing whilst playing guitar isn’t an easy thing to do: for many, it seems easy in principle but upon execution, can be a humbling experience. In fact, it has put many that have tried off singing indefinitely. Though, being able to sing confidently and competently whilst playing the guitar is a greatly beneficial skill to have and one that is like most things; achievable with the right practices put in place. Here are 5 tips to help you get started in a productive and rewarding way.

1. Put The Guitar Down

It goes without saying that most of the time, when a guitarist looks to learn how to sing, it is very much a secondary skill. So much so, that we don’t feel it’s important to deliver at the same level as our guitar playing. However, I can assure you, this is never the attitude or route to take. If you’re taking on the role of singing a lead vocal, you’re also taking on the responsibility of delivering the song, as despite what we think; the vocal will always be the thing that grabs the majority of peoples’ attention.

With that said, it goes without saying that we should first look to build some confidence in just singing. No guitar, no distractions. Simply, getting to know how our voice sounds and learning to be comfortable with it. If singing isn’t something you have done a lot of, trying to do so whilst playing the guitar is greatly going to diminish this. Spend some time singing some simple lines from a song you’re familiar with, paying attention to your intonation and enunciation. Once you think you’ve got it down, record yourself, play it back and repeat until you feel confident and comfortable with your voice’s tone. The guitar can come later!

2. Work On Your Rhythm Chops

Much like perfecting and getting to know your voice, the same applies your guitar parts. If you haven’t quite learned that chord progression, the chord changes or strumming pattern, you might be just getting away with it. However, introduce something else your brain has to concentrate on, it’s more than likely going to fall apart pretty quickly.

Working on your rhythm chops and perfecting guitar parts that you plan to sing over will hugely accelerate your singing and playing progress. By taking time to build and perfect your foundations, you will be making yourself a better rhythm guitarist, also. Singing whilst playing is going to really put your rhythm guitar in the spot light, so it’s super important to make sure you’ve understood how to properly play the music first. Trust me, I had to learn the hard way - when I first started to sing and play, my rhythm guitar parts were terrible and my time keeping would be exposed when I tried to sing. It’s never a good look, so spend your time making sure you can play your guitar parts as good as you possibly can.

3. Know Your Limitations

It goes without saying that trying to sing a song that requires you to have a 4 octave vocal range, might not be to the most proactive thing to do when trying to earn your singing and playing stripes. Finding your comfort zone early on is very important with regard to building confidence and vocal range is going to be a crucial factor in navigating your way to that zone.

If you have a naturally lower sounding voice - great! If you have a higher, falsetto range - great! Whilst you may have a preference as to what you prefer, there is no definitive vocal range and you have to learn to use what you’ve got. Remember, there is no shame singing a song an octave lower, or an octave higher than the original. However, there is definitely shame in trying to hit notes out of your reach badly. Learn early to never be that kind of singer!

4. Choose Fun and Easy Songs

The songs in which you choose to dedicate your time to learning how to play and sing will, naturally; have a significant impact upon your perceived progress. With that in mind, it’s essential to remember to choose songs that continue to inspire you to quietly build confidence and have you returning to improve.

There is no shame at all in choosing easy songs when getting started, both vocally and on the guitar. Whilst it may be tempting to try your favourite bands or artists songs, laying down authoritative groundwork early on is key. If a song is becoming too challenging, be honest with yourself, go back to something fun and easy you’ve learned; before trying something new with a similar level of difficultly. Why? It will build your confidence and ability quickly. The harder songs we can learn in time, right now, creating your own educational infrastructure is more important!

5. Perform in Front of a Mirror

Now, I know this one sounds a bit out there but it’s a hugely important piece of the puzzle and something you will massively thank yourself for doing down the line. For many, it’s something they don’t do early doors and when it comes time to perform in front of others; can have them frantically looking for the exit.

Getting used to how you look whilst singing and playing guitar can play a huge part in your confidence. Though, it will also help you learn how to perform; which is an entirely different skill than learning how to simply play a song. Of course, it is something that comes with time and practice but knowing what you look like when you play and sing from the beginning, is the catalyst to becoming a confident and convincing performer. So get comfortable in front of that mirror!

Learning to sing whilst playing guitar can be a daunting and frustrating endeavour, leaving you wondering if you have what’s needed to succeed. Though, it doesn’t have to be. It’s all about installing the right practices in a productive way that builds confidence consistently. Take your time, work on both aspects individually, know your limitations and remember to have fun with it. It’s the very reason you wanted to do it in the first place!