Master "This Charming Man" by The Smiths with Essential Guitar Techniques

"This Charming Man" by The Smiths is not only a staple of 1980s British music but also a showcase of Johnny Marr's innovative guitar work. In this comprehensive guitar lesson available at, we delve into the song's distinctive guitar techniques such as slides, alternate picking, double stops, and the use of a capo. This lesson is designed by Sam Bell to help you capture the jangly, melodic essence of the song while enhancing your overall guitar playing skills.

Technique Breakdown


Slides are integral to achieving the fluid, expressive sound characteristic of Johnny Marr's playing in "This Charming Man." This technique involves shifting your finger along the string to glide from one note to another seamlessly. Slides can add a smooth, legato feel to your playing, making melodic lines more connected and sonically appealing.

Alternate Picking

Alternate picking is employed throughout "This Charming Man" to execute its rapid, intricate riffs and arpeggios efficiently. This technique, which alternates between downstrokes and upstrokes, allows for greater speed and precision, making it essential for playing faster musical passages cleanly and rhythmically.

Double Stops

Double stops are used to enrich the texture of the song's guitar parts. This technique involves playing two notes simultaneously, often on adjacent strings, which adds depth and harmonic richness to the melody. Double stops can provide a fuller sound and are excellent for emphasizing parts of a melody or adding complexity to rhythms.


A capo is utilized in "This Charming Man" to modify the pitch of the guitar without changing the fingering. Placed on the second fret, it allows the guitar to sound in a higher key while enabling Marr to use open and chord shapes that are familiar and resonant. Using a capo can also bring a brighter, more vibrant quality to the guitar’s tone, which is essential for replicating the unique sound of this track.

The Guitarist: Johnny Marr

Johnny Marr, the guitarist of The Smiths, is renowned for his jangly guitar sound and innovative use of the instrument in pop music. His approach combines rock and roll with a post-punk aesthetic, heavily influencing guitarists around the world. Marr's playing on "This Charming Man" demonstrates his skill in creating catchy, melodic hooks that are both complex and accessible, making his techniques worthy of study for any serious guitarist.

Benefits of Learning These Techniques

Mastering these techniques will not only allow you to play "This Charming Man" authentically but will also expand your capabilities across various musical genres. Slides and alternate picking enhance your melodic fluidity and rhythmic precision, double stops enrich your tonal palette, and understanding how to effectively use a capo opens up new avenues for creative expression on the guitar.


By participating in our "This Charming Man" guitar lesson, you will gain a deeper understanding of Johnny Marr's guitar style and the technical skills needed to play The Smiths' music. This lesson is a gateway to developing a versatile and expressive guitar technique, ready to be applied in countless musical contexts.

List of Guitar Techniques Used in the Lessons

Enroll today at to master these techniques and embrace the legacy of one of the most charming songs of the 1980s.

About The Tutor

Tutor Profile

Sam Bell

Sam Bell has been playing guitar from the age of 4, since then he has played many styles from Funky Blues to screaming Metal/Fusion on 8 string guitar. A member of UK tech metal band ‘Mask of Judas’, he is also currently writing his own solo instrumental album. He also...

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