"Death on Two Legs (Dedicated to...)" by Queen: Guitar Lesson

"Death on Two Legs (Dedicated to...)" is a standout track from Queen's magnum opus, 'A Night at the Opera'. Opening with a hauntingly surreal piano section, it quickly transforms into a hard-rocking, almost vengeful anthem. This song offers a treasure trove of guitar techniques and stylings that can provide insight into the unique guitar artistry of Brian May, Queen's legendary guitarist. Sam Bell delves into one of rock's best album openers in this exclusive Lick Library tutorial.

Chords and Scales:

The song predominantly makes use of chords like E, D, A, and G, and touches upon a few other chords, adding richness to its progression. These are played in various forms - open, power chords, and barre forms. The main riff carries an aggressive energy, driven by these chord progressions. One can notice the extensive use of chord progressions to maintain a storytelling aspect throughout.

Brian May mostly plays in the E minor pentatonic scale, with a few forays into the E blues scale. He exploits the raw, aggressive character of this scale, particularly fitting for the song's tone. However, May isn’t restricted by these scales and often incorporates chromaticism, evident in his solo and lead lines.

Guitar Solo Analysis:

Brian May's solos are emblematic of his signature touch, blending melody with a technical finesse. In "Death on Two Legs", he starts with a clear, sustained note, emphasising the use of vibrato, giving that note life and emotion. He transitions into rapid alternate picking sections and seamlessly merges into the realm of legato playing, where notes flow without any perceptible break.

A noteworthy mention is May's use of tapped harmonics which lends a delicate touch amidst the rock-heavy landscape of the track. His double-stop bends and unison bends provide a richer texture to the solo, giving it that thick, layered sound.

Brian May and His Playing Style:

Dr. Brian May, with his doctorate in astrophysics, showcases a scientific precision in his guitar playing. His home-built 'Red Special' guitar, coupled with a sixpence coin as a pick, is responsible for that iconic tone. His sound on this song is full of rich harmonics, achieved in part by his guitar's unique build and his finger's proximity to the frets.

In "Death on Two Legs", May's tone is gritty and aggressive, fitting the lyrical content. He uses a combination of guitar techniques and his personal touch to bring out emotions – anger, contempt, and a touch of sadness.

Techniques Utilised:

To conclude, let's break down the myriad of techniques Brian May used in this masterpiece:

This song is a testament to the musical genius of Queen and Brian May's inimitable style. For any guitarist, novice or professional, it serves as an incredible source of inspiration and a lesson in the art of guitar playing.

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Sam Bell

Sam Bell has been playing guitar from the age of 4, since then he has played many styles from Funky Blues to screaming Metal/Fusion on 8 string guitar. A member of UK tech metal band ‘Mask of Judas’, he is also currently writing his own solo instrumental album. He also...

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