Have You Ever Been (To Electric Ladyland) by Jimi Hendrix - Guitar Lesson Breakdown

Our note-for-note guitar lesson for "Have You Ever Been (To Electric Ladyland)" by Jimi Hendrix is designed to immerse you in the delicate, soulful playing that makes this track so unique. In this lesson, we’ll break down key guitar techniques including harmonics, hammer-ons, string bending, and vibrato. Each technique plays a crucial role in creating the dreamy, ethereal sound of the song, allowing you to capture Hendrix’s style while expanding your own technical abilities. Whether you are an intermediate player looking to advance your skills or a seasoned guitarist wanting to dive into the nuances of Hendrix's artistry, this lesson offers valuable insights. This lesson is taught by Danny Gill.

Key Techniques in Have You Ever Been (To Electric Ladyland)


Harmonics are an essential part of the ethereal sound in "Have You Ever Been (To Electric Ladyland)." Harmonics involve lightly touching the string at specific points to create bell-like tones. Hendrix uses both natural and artificial harmonics in this song to add shimmering overtones, contributing to the track’s atmospheric feel. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to play harmonics cleanly and effectively, enhancing your ability to create dynamic, resonant sounds. Mastering harmonics will open up new sonic possibilities and allow you to add a unique, expressive element to your playing.


Hammer-ons are another key technique featured prominently in this song. A hammer-on involves pressing down on a string with a fretting finger to sound a note without picking it. In "Have You Ever Been (To Electric Ladyland)," Hendrix uses hammer-ons to create smooth, flowing melodies that seamlessly transition between notes. This technique adds fluidity to your playing, making your riffs and solos sound more connected and less staccato. By incorporating hammer-ons into your playing, you’ll develop greater speed and dexterity, which will allow you to execute intricate phrases with ease.

String Bending

String bending is one of the most expressive techniques in guitar playing, and Hendrix was a master at using it to evoke emotion. In "Have You Ever Been (To Electric Ladyland)," string bending allows Hendrix to raise the pitch of notes in a controlled and melodic way, adding a vocal-like quality to his playing. This technique is especially effective for emphasizing key notes in a solo or riff. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to execute clean, accurate bends that stay in tune while also developing control over the speed and intensity of your bends. Mastering string bending will help you add a deep, emotional dimension to your guitar playing.


Vibrato is a vital technique for adding character and emotion to your notes. In this track, Hendrix uses subtle vibrato to enhance the sustain of his notes, giving them a rich, singing quality. Vibrato involves slightly bending a note up and down to create a wavering pitch effect. By mastering vibrato, you’ll be able to add depth and nuance to your playing, giving your notes a more polished and expressive feel. This lesson will guide you through developing a controlled, consistent vibrato, which is a hallmark of professional guitar playing.

About the Guitar Players in Have You Ever Been (To Electric Ladyland)

Jimi Hendrix’s guitar work on "Have You Ever Been (To Electric Ladyland)" is a masterclass in blending intricate technique with soulful expression. Released as part of the iconic Electric Ladyland album in 1968, this song showcases Hendrix’s softer, more melodic side. Rather than relying on his typical distorted, heavy riffs, Hendrix adopts a clean, smooth tone filled with subtle nuances. His ability to balance technical proficiency with raw emotion shines through in every note, making this track a perfect study for those wanting to explore the more refined aspects of his playing style. By learning this song, guitarists can gain a deeper appreciation for Hendrix’s versatility and his influence on modern music.

Guitar Techniques Covered in This Lesson

By mastering these key techniques, you’ll be well on your way to playing "Have You Ever Been (To Electric Ladyland)" with the same finesse and expression as Jimi Hendrix himself. These techniques will enhance your overall guitar playing, helping you to expand your musical vocabulary and develop your own unique style.

About The Tutor

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Danny Gill

Danny Gill is, without a doubt, the most loved tutor by our community. With an incredible array of DVDs and web lessons for LickLibrary covering a wide variety of topics all of which he covers with incredible detail, it's no wonder he carries as much respect as he does. As...

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