All Along the Watchtower - Solo by Jimi Hendrix

The solo from Jimi Hendrix’s iconic rendition of “All Along the Watchtower” is widely regarded as a masterpiece of rock guitar. At, our note-for-note guitar lesson provides an in-depth exploration of the techniques that make this solo a timeless piece. With precise instruction, we’ll guide you through the nuances of Hendrix’s playing, helping you master his expressive phrasing and innovative techniques. This lesson not only enhances your technical ability but also deepens your appreciation for Hendrix’s artistry. Jamie Humphries breaks down this iconic solo in this exclusive Lick Library video tutorial.

About Jimi Hendrix and His Influence

Jimi Hendrix is often hailed as one of the greatest guitarists of all time. His approach to the instrument redefined what was possible in rock music. On “All Along the Watchtower,” Hendrix’s emotive bends, tasteful phrasing, and unparalleled sense of dynamics created a solo that feels alive and untouchable. His pioneering use of feedback, overdrive, and other effects made him a trailblazer in tone sculpting, influencing countless guitarists such as Stevie Ray Vaughan, John Frusciante, and Eric Johnson. Learning this solo provides invaluable insight into the techniques and creativity that solidified Hendrix’s legacy.

Techniques Covered in the Lesson

String Bending and Bluesy Bends

Hendrix’s solo is filled with bends that evoke a vocal-like quality. From string bending to soulful bluesy bends, these techniques add expressive emotion to your playing. Learning to bend accurately improves pitch control and strengthens your fingers.


Hendrix’s signature vibrato gives his notes a singing quality, creating an expressive and dynamic sound. Mastering vibrato enhances sustain and helps you develop your unique style.

Hammer-Ons and Pull-Offs

The use of hammer-ons and pull-offs adds fluidity to Hendrix’s phrases. These techniques allow for seamless transitions between notes, improving your speed and legato phrasing.


Hendrix’s tasteful use of slides brings a smooth, flowing feel to his lines. Practicing slides will help you connect different positions on the neck while maintaining precision and tone.

Double Stops

Throughout the solo, Hendrix employs double stops, playing two notes simultaneously to create rich harmonic textures. This technique is crucial for adding depth to your solos and riffs.


Rakes add a percussive, muted quality to the strings before striking a note, enhancing attack and articulation. This technique is a staple of Hendrix’s dynamic phrasing.

Alternate Picking

While Hendrix often relied on a free-flowing picking hand, moments in the solo utilise alternate picking for clarity and precision. This technique builds speed and consistency in your playing.

String Bending with Vibrato

Combining string bending with vibrato is one of Hendrix’s signature moves, adding a dynamic and expressive finish to bent notes. This combination is essential for emotional phrasing.

Benefits of Learning These Techniques

Each of the techniques covered in this lesson is a foundational skill for guitarists across genres. By mastering them in the context of Hendrix’s solo, you not only improve your technical proficiency but also develop a more expressive and dynamic style. Understanding the application of these techniques in a musical context helps bridge the gap between mechanics and artistry, allowing you to create more compelling solos and compositions of your own.

Guitar Techniques Used in the Lesson

Here’s a comprehensive list of the techniques used in “All Along the Watchtower” - Solo and links to their definitions and practice guides:

  1. String Bending
  2. Bluesy Bends
  3. Vibrato
  4. Hammer-Ons
  5. Pull-Offs
  6. Slides
  7. Double Stops
  8. Rakes
  9. Alternate Picking

Dive into these lessons and master one of the most iconic solos in rock history with Whether you're a Hendrix fan or looking to expand your guitar skills, this lesson is a must-have for your journey to guitar greatness!

About The Tutor

Tutor Profile

Jamie Humphries

Jamie is one of the mainstays of LickLibrary, having a stream of hugely successful best selling DVDs, Jamie is best known as Brian May's sideman who he's played shows with all over the world. Aside from this Jamie is a hugely popular clinician working all over the world with Ernie...

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