Ultimate Guitar Techniques: Two Handed Tapping

Welcome to "Ultimate Guitar Techniques: Two Handed Tapping," a premium course offered by LickLibrary.com. This course is meticulously crafted for guitarists eager to dive deep into advanced playing techniques. Key focuses of this program include two-handed tapping, one-string tapping licks, and tapping arpeggios. Each technique is broken down in detail, not only to teach the mechanics but also to demonstrate their practical application, thus broadening your musical skills and technical know-how. This course is brought to you by Stuart Bull.

Two-Handed Tapping

The art of two-handed tapping involves using both hands on the fretboard, enabling guitarists to produce rapid, fluid notes and complex melodies. This approach facilitates the generation of unique sounds and lightning-fast solos, typically beyond the reach of conventional picking.


  1. Facilitates the crafting of intricate, high-speed solos and melodies.
  2. Improves finger agility and coordination across both hands.
  3. Broadens the guitarist's repertoire of musical expressions and technical skills.

One-String Tapping Licks

Focusing on a single string, one-string tapping licks are about producing melodious phrases and solos with precision. This technique is a testament to the guitarist's control and ability to extract expressive music from a singular string.


  1. Improves focus on producing clear, tonally rich notes on a single string.
  2. Enhances precision in finger placement and rhythm.
  3. Aids in creating detailed and emotionally charged solos on one string.

Tapping Arpeggios

Tapping arpeggios employs the tapping technique for playing chord sequences smoothly and swiftly. It's a modern approach that allows guitarists to execute arpeggios with a speed and fluidity not usually possible with traditional picking.


  1. Enables quick and fluid arpeggio performance.
  2. Deepens understanding of chord structures and their note sequences.
  3. Boosts synchronization and timing in playing complex musical patterns.

Practicing with Backing Tracks

Using backing tracks during practice adds a layer of depth and realism to your sessions. It aids in developing rhythm, timing, and the ability to harmonize with other musical elements. This practice style is invaluable for preparing for live performances and group play, making each session more effective and enjoyable.

Technique Glossary

The course concludes with a detailed glossary of guitar techniques. Each listed technique is linked to a comprehensive resource page for further learning.

These links lead to detailed explanations and demonstrations, enriching your learning journey and ensuring a comprehensive understanding of each technique.

Embark on this musical adventure with us at LickLibrary.com. "Ultimate Guitar Techniques: Two Handed Tapping" is crafted to offer enriching insights to guitarists at all levels. Step into a world where each lesson empowers you towards mastery of the guitar.

About The Tutor

Tutor Profile

Stuart Bull

As co-founder of LickLibrary and Total Accuracy, Stuart plays a tremendous part of all the goings on in LickLibrary today. Looking at our entire catalogue, the entire contribution from Stuart is phenomenal and has had an impact on tens of thousands of aspiring guitar players the world over. Stuart's professional...

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