Quick Licks - Jimmy Page Volume 2: A Guitarist's Journey

Embark on an inspiring journey with "Quick Licks - Jimmy Page Volume 2," designed for intermediate and advanced guitar players who aspire to capture the iconic style of Jimmy Page, one of rock's most legendary guitarists. This comprehensive course offers detailed lessons on signature licks that are not only technically enriching but also emotionally captivating. This course is taught by Danny Gill.

What You Will Learn In This Course

35 killer rock licks in the style of Jimmy Page. This course also includes a backing track to play over. The techniques you will learn include:

  • String Bending
  • Vibrato
  • Legato
  • Minor Pentatonic Scales

Technique Breakdown

String Bending

A key element in Page's arsenal, string bending, is more than a mere technique—it's a powerful means of musical expression. This course focuses on harnessing the evocative power of string bending, enabling your solos to emulate the vocal-like, emotive qualities that Page's own licks exude.


Vibrato brings life and breath to each note, transforming simple phrases into powerful musical statements. By mastering Page's unique approach to vibrato, you'll learn to add a soulful, pulsating quality to your solos, akin to Page’s own expressive style.


Page's fluid legato technique, characterized by seamless hammer-ons and pull-offs, allows for a smooth, connected sound. The legato lessons in this course will guide you towards achieving this same silky and articulate flow in your playing.

Minor Pentatonic Scales

The heart of rock improvisation lies within the minor pentatonic scales. Page's exploration of these scales forms the foundation of his fiery and poignant solos. These lessons emphasize the importance of the minor pentatonic scales in crafting compelling guitar solos.

The Advantage of Practicing with Backing Tracks

Using backing tracks in practice immerses you in a band-like environment, mirroring the harmonic landscape of Page's work with Led Zeppelin. This approach enhances your ear training, timing, and dynamics, offering a more comprehensive learning experience.

Exploring Jimmy Page's Guitar Style

Jimmy Page's style is a unique fusion of blues, rock, folk, and Eastern influences, marked by inventive use of alternate tunings and a deep understanding of blues scale variations. His playing is not just a collection of notes but a complex narrative, filled with emotional depth and technical mastery. In learning his style, you acquire more than techniques; you learn the art of storytelling through guitar.

Viewer Benefits and Musical Development

For viewers, these lessons offer a path to develop their own unique guitar voice. Each technique provides a foundation for creating original solos and improvisations. This course is not just about emulating Page's style but about integrating these techniques into your own playing, encouraging growth and creativity.


"Quick Licks - Jimmy Page Volume 2" is more than just a guitar tutorial; it's an in-depth guide to mastering the essence of Jimmy Page's guitar artistry. It equips you with the skills and expressive capabilities necessary to elevate your musical journey.

Guitar Techniques Featured in This Course:

In these lessons, you won't just play the guitar; you'll learn to speak through it, creating licks that not only echo Jimmy Page's style but also resonate with your own artistic expression.

About The Tutor

Tutor Profile

Danny Gill

Danny Gill is, without a doubt, the most loved tutor by our community. With an incredible array of DVDs and web lessons for LickLibrary covering a wide variety of topics all of which he covers with incredible detail, it's no wonder he carries as much respect as he does. As...

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