Metal Rhythm Guitar In 6 Weeks - Week 2

Embark on a journey to refine your metal guitar prowess with "Metal Rhythm Guitar In 6 Weeks - Week 2." This meticulously crafted course is tailored for guitarists keen on elevating their metal rhythm guitar skills, focusing on Drop D Tuning and its potential for creating pedal tone riffs, intricate chord progressions, and expressive phrasing. It also dives into essential techniques such as alternate picking, palm muting, and the captivating Phrygian dominant scale. Designed for the intermediate player, this course aims to augment your technique and inject a new level of sophistication into your metal guitar performances. This course is taught by Andy James.

Course Overview

Drop D Tuning: Unleashing Pedal Tone Riffs, Chord Progressions, and Phrasing

The course begins with an exploration of Drop D Tuning, unlocking the heavier and more resonant tones it facilitates. This tuning simplifies the execution of pedal tone riffs and complex chord progressions, key components in crafting the distinctive metal genre sound. Lessons on integrating pedal tones with your riffs will deepen your sound, adding motion and intrigue. You'll also enhance your songwriting with advanced chord progressions and phrasing, empowering you to create compelling and unforgettable metal tracks.

Mastering Alternate Picking

Alternate picking is vital for achieving speed and precision, a focus of this week's curriculum. This technique is indispensable for executing rapid, detailed passages more effectively. As you master alternate picking, you'll notice significant improvements in your agility and clarity, enabling you to deliver tight rhythmic sections and electrifying solos.

Palm Muting: The Art of Texture

Palm muting is extensively practiced in this module, a fundamental technique in metal rhythm guitar. It's crucial for producing the characteristic muted tones of metal music. Learning to modulate your palm muting will introduce texture and dynamic range to your riffs, adding a layer of expressiveness to your rhythm playing.

Exploring the Phrygian Dominant Scale

The Phrygian dominant scale, with its distinctive sound, is another highlight of Week 2. This scale's unique intervals offer a fresh, eastern-inspired vibe to metal music, perfect for creating an atmosphere of mystery or foreboding. Incorporating this scale into your compositions will broaden your creative palette, allowing for innovative riffs and solos.

The Advantages of Practicing with a Backing Track

Using a backing track for practice is a critical component of this course, enhancing your rhythmic accuracy and preparing you for live performances. The specially designed backing track complements the week's techniques, offering a hands-on approach to apply your new skills. Practicing with this track not only solidifies your technical prowess but also cultivates your musicality and ensemble playing skills.

In Conclusion

"Metal Rhythm Guitar In 6 Weeks - Week 2" stands as an indispensable resource for guitarists aiming to delve into the depths of metal music. With a focus on Drop D Tuning, alternate picking, palm muting, and the Phrygian dominant scale, the course equips you with the necessary tools to advance your playing and creativity. The inclusion of a practice backing track further enriches your learning experience, marking this course as a critical milestone in your musical development.

About The Tutor

Tutor Profile

Andy James

Andy James needs little introduction as one of the most popular LickLibrary tutors, respected the world over for his unbelievable technical skills and teaching material. "As a player Andy has released a string of solo albums, the last being 2012's ""Andy James"" on Transcend Music which was met with huge...

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