Learn to Play Van Halen
Embrace the journey of mastering the guitar styles of Van Halen, one of rock's most influential guitarists. Our course, "Learn to Play Van Halen", is an in-depth exploration of Van Halen's distinctive techniques across five iconic songs: Panama, Hot For Teacher, Unchained, Eruption, and Ain't Talking 'Bout Love. Get started with tutor Jamie Humphries and learn some classic EVH licks!
Delve into Panama's melodic construction, an exploration in A minor scale. Witness the powerful use of palm-muting and alternate picking to create an undulating rhythm. In the solo, Eddie Van Halen crafts a harmonic soundscape using techniques like two-handed tapping and pull-offs, allowing the melody to fly high while maintaining a rhythm that drives the music forward.
Hot For Teacher
Hot For Teacher presents a challenging, yet rewarding task. The song utilizes a Boogie pattern, primarily in the A blues scale. In the solo, you'll encounter Eddie's genius in the form of complex string-bending and legato techniques. Study the careful layering of harmonics to craft a rich, vibrant sound.
Explore the intense power chords and open-string riffs in Unchained. The song, set in D flat minor, embodies the essence of rock with its aggressive rhythms and bluesy bends. The solo, where Eddie employs unison bends and double-stops, adds a sweet, melodic touch.
One of Eddie's most recognized instrumentals, Eruption is a testament to the guitarist's command of harmonics, tapping, and dive-bombs. Navigating the A minor pentatonic scale, you'll get hands-on experience with Eddie's unique techniques like tapped harmonics and tremolo picking.
Ain't Talking 'Bout Love
An iconic track that showcases Eddie's creative chord progressions, Ain't Talking 'Bout Love is primarily in the A minor scale. The unique interplay between arpeggios, vibrato, and syncopated rhythms creates a haunting, yet melodic soundscape. The solo is a blend of bends, legato, and subtle use of harmonics.
Eddie Van Halen: The Guitarist
Eddie Van Halen revolutionized guitar playing with his technique and creative audacity. His unique combination of blues, rock, and classical techniques defined the Van Halen sound and continues to inspire guitarists worldwide. Eddie's contribution to these songs is the soulful interpretation of scales, inventive use of harmonics, and ingenious rhythm creation. His work is a testament to the expressive potential of the guitar.
Guitar Techniques in this Course
- Vibrato
- Alternate Picking
- Legato
- Tapped Harmonics
- Double-stops
- Unison Bends
- Harmonics
- Pull-offs
- Palm Muting
- Two-Handed Tapping
- String Bending
- Syncopated Rhythms
- Open-String Riffs
- Whammy Bar Tricks
- Bluesy Bends
- Power Chords
- Chord Progressions
- Arpeggios
- Dive-Bombs
"Learn to Play Van Halen" is your gateway to mastering the style of one of rock's most influential guitarists. Dive in, and immerse yourself in the mesmerizing world of Eddie Van Halen's guitar craftsmanship.
About The Tutor
Tutor Profile
Jamie Humphries
Jamie is one of the mainstays of LickLibrary, having a stream of hugely successful best selling DVDs, Jamie is best known as Brian May's sideman who he's played shows with all over the world. Aside from this Jamie is a hugely popular clinician working all over the world with Ernie...