Joe Satriani Killer Licks Pack by Danny Gill at


Unlock the secrets of guitar wizardry with the Joe Satriani Killer Licks Pack, meticulously crafted and presented by the renowned tutor Danny Gill. This comprehensive package is designed for intermediate to advanced guitarists who are ready to delve into the intricate world of Joe Satriani's guitar techniques. With a focus on specific, advanced techniques, this lesson pack not only enhances your playing skills but also deepens your understanding of guitar mechanics and music expression.

Detailed Technique Breakdown

Sliding Lick

The sliding lick is a smooth, gliding technique where the finger slides from one fret to another on the same string, creating a fluid sound. This technique is vital for players looking to add expressiveness to their solos. Learning sliding licks can help in achieving smoother transitions between notes, enhancing your solos' overall fluidity and elegance.

Wide Slides

Wide slides extend the basic sliding technique across a larger interval, which tests your fretboard knowledge and finger strength. They are essential for creating dramatic, attention-grabbing moments in solos. The practice of wide slides builds precision and control, critical for mastering Satriani's expansive playing style.

Descending Legato Phrase

This technique involves a series of smoothly connected notes played in a descending order without re-picking each note. It's a cornerstone of Satriani’s style, offering a sleek sound that can make fast runs easier to play and more melodious. Mastering descending legato phrases enhances your ability to deliver fast and fluid solos.

Ascending Legato Phrase

Similar to its descending counterpart, the ascending legato phrase focuses on fluidity and speed, moving upward on the fretboard. It teaches you to maintain consistency in tone and volume, even during rapid note changes, crucial for solo performances that stand out.

Pedal Tone Tapping Licks

Pedal tone tapping involves using one finger on the right hand to 'tap' the fretboard while the left hand plays a series of notes around a central, pedal tone. This technique allows for the creation of complex textures and layers in your playing, expanding your expressive capabilities.

Ascending Arpeggios

Arpeggios are chords whose notes are played individually in a sequence. Ascending arpeggios are particularly useful for building climactic sequences in music, helping to improve your timing and synchronisation between hands.

Ascending and Descending Intervallic Licks

These licks involve playing notes that are spaced apart at specific intervals, moving up or down the fretboard. These techniques challenge your dexterity and fretboard visualisation, critical for improvisation and creating melodically interesting solos.

Single String Descending Legato Lick

Focusing on a single string, this technique emphasises the smooth execution of notes in a descending order using legato. It's particularly useful for developing a silky, fluid sound on high-speed runs.

Open String Ideas

Integrating open strings into licks offers a resonant, bright tone that can enhance any composition. This technique also facilitates easier transitions between high and low notes, adding a unique sonic texture to your playing.

Performance Context

Each lesson concludes with a performance by Danny Gill, demonstrating how these techniques can be woven into a cohesive and dynamic solo. Watching these performances helps students see the practical application of each technique, enhancing understanding and retention. Observing a professional integrate these techniques with precision provides not only inspiration but also a clear path to emulation and mastery.


By mastering these techniques, you will not only capture the essence of Joe Satriani’s iconic style but also develop a versatile skill set that can be adapted to any genre of music. These lessons are designed not just to teach but to transform your approach to the guitar.

List of Techniques

Here is a list of the guitar techniques used in the Joe Satriani Killer Licks Pack:

This focused and detailed approach ensures that every student can learn and incorporate complex guitar techniques into their own playing style, just like Joe Satriani.

About The Tutor

Tutor Profile

Danny Gill

Danny Gill is, without a doubt, the most loved tutor by our community. With an incredible array of DVDs and web lessons for LickLibrary covering a wide variety of topics all of which he covers with incredible detail, it's no wonder he carries as much respect as he does. As...

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