About this Jam Track:

Here we have a fast paced EVH style guitar backing track with lots of room to improvise! A blues and pentatonics will work but Eddie would favour A Mixolydian (D major) and A major blues/pentatonic over the first section. The key shifts breifly to F#m. Go wild on F#m pentatonic and blues scales here.

Track details:

  • Key: A
  • Tempo: Fast
  • Suggested Scales: Mixolydian, Blues Scale, Major Blues Scale, Pentatonic, Minor Pentatonic, Major Pentatonic

Quick Licks - In The Style of Van Halen

Learn killer rock licks in the style of Eddie Van Halen, one of the most influential rock guitarists of all time! Also includes a rock guitar jam track. Lessons by Jamie Humphries Each Quick Licks DVD includes an arsenal of licks in the style of your chosen artist to add to your repertoire, plus backing tracks to practice your new licks and techniques