About this Backing Track:

Use this ‘Angel Of Death‘ metal guitar backing track fto work on the Slayer metal guitar riffs and solos you learnt in the ‘Angel Of Death‘ Slayer guitar lesson.

Angel Of Death Guitar Lesson

Dive into one of the heaviest, most iconic thrash anthems of all time as Andy James takes you through Slayer's "Angel of Death" with precision and depth. Known for its relentless speed, intricate riffing, and aggressive solos, this song is a rite of passage for any guitarist looking to push their technique to the limit. In this exclusive Lick Library tutorial, Andy breaks down every section, from the brutal opening riff to the blazing fast solos, demonstrating how to capture Jeff Hanneman and Kerry King’s raw energy. With Andy's expert guidance, you'll learn the nuances of Slayer's alternate picking, palm muting, and lightning-fast tremolo picking techniques that define their sound. Andy also delves into tone tips and gear insights, ensuring you get the authentic Slayer punch and grind. Whether you're tackling the complex rhythms or aiming to nail the chaotic, melodic solos, Andy’s breakdowns and play-throughs make this legendary song accessible and achievable. Perfect for advanced guitarists ready to take on the challenge, this tutorial will arm you with the skills to honour Slayer's legacy. Prepare to thrash at full throttle!